About Us
Who we Are: The USDA Economists Group is a voluntary organization based at USDA in Washington, DC. Our activities are funded only by annual membership dues. Our mission and purposes are laid out below the annual USDA Economic Awards listings.
Who We Are Not: The USDA Economists Group has no formal affiliation with USDA. The Department does not subsidize or endorse the Group. As of the summer of 2012, approximately 40% of our membership are not USDA employees, and there is no requirement to be an economist.
Executive Board
Executive Board President (*):
Peyton Ferrier (AMS) - 202-720-9367
Vice Presidents - Programs (*):
Shawn Arita (OCE) 202-401-0497
Sharon Raszap (ERS) 202-690-0050
Vice President - Membership (*):
Sherry Grimm (AMS) - 202-720-8075
Treasurer (*)
Bill Janis (FAS) - 202-720-2194
Communications (Website / Listserver):
David Buland (NRCS) - 817-295-9245
Immediate Past President (*):
Steve Neff (FAS) - 202-690-0855
Past Presidents:
Steve Neff (FAS) - 202-690-0855
Bill Janis (FAS) - 202-720-2194
Felix Spinelli (NRCS) - 202-720-6924
Jim Jacobs (RD) - 202-619-0139
Parveen Setia (APHIS) - 202-690-2824
Awards Chair:
Bruce McWilliams (FPAC-BC)
(*) = Voting Members of the Board
USDA Economist Group Awards:

Andrew M. Novakovic (right) recieving the Bruce Gardner Award with Acting Chief Economist Robert Johannson. Andrew M. Novakovic, Chairman of the Dairy Industry Advisory Committee at Cornell University received this award for invaluable assistance supporting the Office of the Chief Economist and the Agricultural Marketing Service in the reform of dairy policy that became part of the 2014 Farm Bill. The Bruce Gardner Award is given annually to a visiting ecnomist who has provided outstanding analysis and service in improving programs and policy.
Economist of the Year
1996 Joy Harwood (ERS)
1997 John Stierna (NRCS)
1999 Alex Barbarika (FSA)
2000 David Buland (NRCS)
2001 Larry Edmonds (NRCS)
2002 Charles Barnard (ERS)
2003 Michael Ollinger (ERS)
2004 Roger Schneider (GIPSA)
2005 James Schaub (ORACBA)
2006 Tom Tice (FSA)
2007 Frank Fillo (APHIS)
2008 Ron Trostle (ERS)
2009 Dr. K. Charles Ling (RD)
2010 Carol Goodloe (OCE)
2011 Tiffany Arthur (FSA)
2012 Skip Hyberg (FSA)
2013 June C. Grabemeyer (NRCS)
2014 Robert C. Johansson (USDA)
2015 Andrea Carlson (ERS)
2016 Barbara Fecso (FSA)
2017 Patrick Canning (ERS)
2018 Jayson Beckman (ERS)
2019 Suzanne Thornsberry (ERS)
2020 Catherine Feather (FPAC-BC)
2021 Elise Golan (OCE)
2022 Shawn Arita (OCE)
2023 Maros Ivanic (ERS)
Fred Woods Award
1999 Peter F. Smith (NRCS)
2000 Joseph W. Glauber (OCE)
2001 Ralph Heimlich (ERS)
2002 Randall E. Torgerson (ERS)
2003 Henry H. Bahm (CSREES)
2004 Ann H. Seitzinger (APHIS)
2005 Kitty Smith (ERS)
2006 Paul Westcott (ERS)
2007 Keith J. Collins (OCE)
2008 Alexander Barbarika (FSA)
2009 Jim Johnson (ERS)
2010 Jim MacDonald (ERS)
2011 Ron Lord (FAS)
2012 Mitch Morehart (ERS)
2014 Joy Harwood (FSA)
2015 Thomas Worth (RMA)
2016 Skip Hyberg (FSA)
2017 Keith Fuglie (ERS)
2018 Hal Gordon (NRCS)
2019 Anne Effland (OCE)
2020 Ralph Seeley (ERS)
2021 Fred Gale (ERS)
2022 Donald Hinman (AMS)
2023 Shayle Shagam (OCE)
Bruce Gardner Award
2008 Otto Doering (Purdue)
2009 Robert L. Thompson (Illinois)
2010 Vince Smith (Montana State)
2011 Keith Coble (Mississippi State)
2013 Ani Katchova (Kentucky)
2014 Andrew M. Novakovic (Cornell)
2015 Patrick Westhoff
2016 Wyatt Thompson (Missouri)
2017 No Award
2018 James W. Richardson (Texas A&M)
2019 Jason Grant (Virginia Tech)
2020 Andrew Muhammad
(University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture)
2021 Dawn Thilmany McFadden
(Colorado State University )
2022 Bruce Ahrendsen (University of Arkansas)
2023 Mary Muth, (RTI International)
John Lee Award
2008 Jerry Cessna (AMS) & Howard McDowell (AMS)
2009 Mike Price (ERS) & Larry Salathe (OCE)
2010 Tom Tice (FSA) & Phil Sronce (FSA)
2011 Terry Hickinbotham (FSA) & John Jinkins (FSA)
2012 Keith Fuglie, Paul Heisey, Sun Ling Wang, David Schimmelpfenning, John King, Andrew Toole & Nicholas Rada (ERS)
2013 Cathie Feather, Rich Iovanna, Alex Barbarika and Skip Hyberg (FSA)
2014 Fred Gale, James Hansen, Michael Jewison & Sun Ling Wang (ERS)
2015 Bill Hahn
2016 Dan Cook (FAS), Fred Gale & Sharon Sydow (OCE)
2017 Sharad Tandon, Maurice Landes, Cheryl Christensen, Steven LeGrand, Nzinga Broussard, Katie Farrin, Karen Thome, Birgit Meade, Stacy Rosen (ERS)
2018 Michael Adjemian (ERS), Shawn Arita (OCE), and Vince Breneman (ERS)
2019 Parveen Setia (Lead), Flavius Badau, Blondel Brinkman, Paul Darby, Frank Fillo, Setsuko Hoffman, Eric Huszar, Chris Klocek, Satvik Mishra, Michael Olson, Monica Saavoss, Evan Shinbaum, Eleni Tsigas, Seth Wechsler, and Mustafa Zia (APHIS Policy and Analysis Development Team)
2020 Jayson Beckman, Maros Ivanic, Jeremy Jeliffe, Felix Baquedano, and Sara Scott (EU - Green Deal - Farm-to-Fork Strategies Analysis Team)
2021 Patrick McLaughlin (lead), Carolyn Chelius, Xiao Dong, Matthew MacLachlan, Keenan Marchesi, Wilson Sinclair, Alexander Stevens, and Eliana Zeballos (ERS Food Prices and Spending Team)
2022 Carrie Litkowski, Tatiana Borisova, Jonathan Law, Dipak Subedi, Monika Ghimire, Christine Whitt, David Williams, and Kathy Kassel (ERS Farm Income Team)
2023 USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station Group
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the USDA Economists Group.
Section 2. Mission Statement. The mission of the USDA Economists Group is to be a responsible, independent advocate for economists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as well as the Washington community, the agricultural economics profession, and society at large.
Section 3. Purposes. The purposes of the USDA Economists Group are:
To promote a common identity as economists interested in USDA programs and policies.
To promote a sense of community among economists interested in USDA programs and policies.
To foster greater understanding of--and appreciation for--the contributions of economists to USDA, to the agricultural economics profession, and to society at large.
To help others understand the importance of economic analysis to fulfilling USDA's missions.
To promote interaction and cooperation among economists within USDA and those interested in USDA programs and policies.
To promote interaction and cooperation among USDA economists, economists in other government agencies, academia, and the private sector, and others with similar interests.
To serve as a liaison between USDA economists and other professional organizations.
To encourage other professional organizations to better address the needs of applied economists.
Section 1. Members. To be a member of the USDA Economists Group, a person must be interested in the economics of USDA's missions and pay annual dues.
Section 2. Non-Discrimination. Beyond the guidelines of Section 1 above, membership in the USDA Economists Group shall be open without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or disability.
Section 1. Executive Board. The responsibility and authority for managing the affairs of the USDA Economists Group is vested in an Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the current officers, the immediate past president, and one director elected at large by the membership. During intervals between regular meetings of the full membership, the Executive Board is authorized to transact business on behalf of the organization.
Section 2. Officers. The following officers will be elected by members of the USDA Economists Group.
(a) President. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall preside at all meetings. The President shall appoint members of standing and ad hoc committees.
(b) Vice-President for Programs. The Vice-President for Programs shall head the Programs Committee. The Programs Committee is responsible for scheduling meetings and activities, developing programs and topics, and providing speakers for meetings. The committee is also responsible for exploring and developing other activities, as appropriate, such as in-service education needs. The Vice President for Programs shall act as President in the latter's absence.
(c) Vice-President for Membership. The Vice-President for Membership shall head the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for promoting membership in the USDA Economists Group by developing lists of potential members and soliciting members. The committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a computerized list of members of the organization. The committee is responsible for handling communications between members and the organization.
(d) Secretary. The Secretary shall be the secretary for all meetings of the organization and the Executive Board. The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the necessary records of the organization and for correspondence in connection with the activities of the organization.
(e) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of funds of the organization and shall act under the direction of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall render such financial reports from time-to-time as may be needed.
and ad hoc committees.